Insights from our OC1-DEVELOP
As you know SERMAS launched its first open call to XR Innovators (researchers, startups, SMEs) to design and develop innovative solutions addressing challenges proposed by our consortium on the needs identified when working on the pilots and developing the XR Agent and the SERMAS Toolkit.
The third parties will fully leverage the potential benefits of SERMAS results to foster an XR technology adoption, and we will offer an innovative, collaborative environment with specialised infrastructure, technology and knowledge.
Our consortia innovators could apply to one of six challenges to develop high-value and impactful components, content and frameworks in AR/VR/XR. In response to our first open call, we received 37 applications from 46 entities, from 15 different countries across Europe.
From this pool, the SERMAS team carefully evaluated and selected five sub-projects that are dedicated to developing and executing innovative solutions aimed at addressing the challenges outlined by our consortium.
Follow the journey of our innovators and stay tuned for further developments.