Meet the partners: SUPSI
1. How do you think the SERMAS project can make a difference in the XR sphere?
The big ambition of SERMAS is to realize socially acceptable XR agents, to elevate the interaction between human users and AI-based technology to the next level. With a special focus on the robotics domain, we believe that the activities that will be developed in the project will push the boundaries of human-robot interaction, by exploiting the integration between verbal and nonverbal communication and benefiting from the synergy with different domains of research such as psychology.
2. What is the SERMAS vision of XR?
XR agent is intended to be in a very large sense, from a virtual to a physical one. This aspect confers to the project a deeper interest since it gives the opportunity to analyze the interaction from a very wide point of view.
3. What is the main result SERMAS will deliver?
We aim at implementing socially-accepted behaviours for artificial agents, such as robots so that a larger basin of users will have the occasion to interact with these machines, whose level of ubiquity has reached nowadays their highest point.
4. What do you think is the most important trend in the XR field for 2023?
We believe in the ambition of SERMAS in aiming at developing interaction modalities that involve any users, which means also people who are not used to handling high-tech tools. This aspect is, on one side, very interesting and stimulating from the research point of view since it proves researchers with novel challenges. On the other side, it favors the availability of this kind of technology to a wider range of users, including non-technicians such as elderly people, children, or patients.
5. Which sector is using the most XR at the moment?
The industrial sector is surely the domain where XR has been very much investigated as a possible auxiliary and complementary technology in addition to the classical tools, as demonstrated by the vast literature in this field, see for example [1] [2] [3].
6. Describe the project in one word.
[1] Tariq Masood, Johannes Egger, “Augmented reality in support of Industry 4.0—Implementation challenges and success factors,” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, Volume 58, 2019, Pages 181-195,
[2] Luís Fernando de Souza Cardoso, Flávia Cristina Martins Queiroz Mariano, Ezequiel Roberto Zorzal, “A survey of industrial augmented reality,” Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 139, 2020,
[3] Eleonora Bottani & Giuseppe Vignali (2019) Augmented reality technology in the manufacturing industry: A review of the last decade, IISE Transactions, 51:3, 284-310,