“Hey, we've been trying to meet you”
Do you know this song? Some of you probably do, others maybe not. Some are probably searching for it online at this very moment, and maybe most of you just don’t care about the type of music we listen to while we work. In any case, the message is the same: meeting you is all we want to do!
If you are an innovator, device manufacturer, technology provider and integrator in the AI/ML/VR/XR, connect with us because our OC2 DEMONSTRATE is running and “hey, we’ve been trying to meet you”. 🎶
Why should you meet us, you ask?
SERMAS offers an innovative, collaborative environment with specialised infrastructure, technology, knowledge, and the chance of being funded with up to EUR 150 000 per sub-project (lump sum per consortia).
Our OC2 DEMONSTRATE sub-projects must provide solutions as autonomous applications built on the SERMAS API and using the SERMAS Toolkit for web-based digital avatars and/or the SERMAS ROS2 Proxy for robotics applications.
We cover nine domains/industries: education, energy, tourism, cultural heritage, health, manufacturing, bank & insurance, retail and marketing & advertising. These domains should be considered in one or multiple of the overarching fields of application: training, services, and guidance.
The consortium of applicants is encouraged to use the XR technologies from the SERMAS Toolkit and adapt them to the domain of their choice. It’s possible to select more than one model and/or tool to be applied to their proposed agent and facilitate the demonstration of the pilot.
When should we do it?
Now is the time. Read the guidelines for applicants, and apply by 26 June 2024 - 17:00 CEST.